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4 Nonprofits Giving Hope to People with Epilepsy

Source: Unsplash

According to the World Health Organization, epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases globally, affecting approximately 50 million people. It is stressful for those who suffer from seizures as well as family members, and treatment is key. By building community for people with epilepsy and furthering research on treatments and cures, there is hope for a better future.


These 4 Nonprofits Are Preventing Sexual Abuse and Helping Survivors Heal
Source: Pexels

It is estimated that 1 in 7 children experienced sexual abuse or neglect in the U.S. last year. In a world where some people unfortunately experience this kind of violence, our communities need to do all that we can to spread awareness and help prevent sexual abuse from happening. In addition to this, survivors need protecting and community support in their healing journey.


Nonprofits Advocating for and Supporting Refugees and International Migrants
Source: Unsplash

Refugees and migrants all over the world face many hardships after being displaced from their home country: reintegrating, finding decent work, creating a (new) community, and getting used to a new language and culture are among the top of this list. There are many things people can do to be more aware of international migration issues and support migrants in their own communities.


5 Organizations Helping People With Eye Diseases, Blindness, and Vision Impairments

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Let there be light! These organizations are dedicated to helping people suffering from vision impairments or blindness see again, or at least greatly improve their lives. The fact is many people around the world aren’t able to afford proper eye care. With the help of these organizations, many people experiencing blindness have a community, can receive medical assistance, and can once again thrive in their work and life.


Top Rated Breast Cancer Nonprofits that are Changing the World

Breast cancer is a devastating diagnosis that impacts the lives of millions of people each year. However, with this diagnosis, there comes a community of people that understand exactly what you are going through. Numerous nonprofits spend their time, energy, and other resources to aid those that are impacted by this disease. Not only do the nonprofits work to find a cure, but they are also dedicated to ensuring that each person feels hope and reassurance as they move through the different challenges that breast cancer can pose.


4 Ways You Can Help Children in Need

Source: Unsplash

Children all deserve to have their basic needs met, such as education, food, and a roof over their heads. But even more so, they need love and care. Many orphanages and foster care centers run on limited capacity, and they look to generous and compassionate individuals to help improve the lives of these children.


5 Nonprofit Science Organizations that Need Your Donations
Source: Unsplash

Science and technology play massive roles in our society. From curing disease to paving the way for innovative computer applications, these fields form our future landscape. These nonprofit science organizations understand how vital science programs are to future generations. With support from donors like you, these organizations invest in tomorrow’s science leaders, ensuring a bright future for us all.


Nonprofit Housing Rehabilitation Organizations Changing Lives Across the Country
Source: Unsplash

For millions of Americans, it’s a struggle just to pay the rent, keep food on the table, and keep the lights on. In light of a global pandemic, with more than 10% of workers now unemployed, the budget is even tighter. There is no extra money for necessary home renovations or repairs. That’s where nonprofit housing rehabilitation organizations come in to help these families thrive.


Job-Training Nonprofits Dedicated to Changing Lives

Photo Source: Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

There are many reasons that it may be difficult for individuals to find and maintain quality employment. Fortunately, there are job training nonprofits that are dedicated to helping people from all walks of life find their place in their community and ultimately find personal success. Here are a few of the top nonprofits that are changing the world one life at a time.
