Posted by on Oct 7, 2020 Views: 2555

Nonprofits Demanding Government Transparency and Public Administration

Source: Unsplash

The purpose of our government is to protect us and our rights. However, sometimes the internal activities of government and public administration sectors can be secretive, complex, and unethical. In addition, some systems are designed to benefit people in power rather than help those most in need, such as homeless populations.

We have provided a list of nonprofits ready to blow the whistle. These organizations devote funding and labor to advocate for more accountable systems of power and offer alternatives to benefit the general public.
Source Unsplash

The Project on Government Oversight

Washington, D.C.

The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) is a nonpartisan watchdog that investigates misconduct, corruption, and conflict of interest. Their goal is to achieve a more effective, ethical, and accountable federal government. The organization has worked on numerous projects such as a collaboration with Veterans Affairs about agency wrongdoing. Other POGO projects include transparency on drone use, U.S. embassy security flaws overseas, and other government and public administration missteps.

One of the foundations of any democracy, let alone a great democracy, is the ability to hold leaders accountable for their actions (and inactions). POGO does this unrelentingly across political divides. Citizens need to know what their elected leaders are doing, for good or bad, and POGO is the window through which we can see and judge politicians. –TexasFrank

Source: National Law Center Facebook Page

National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty

Washington, D.C.

This nonprofit is dedicated to improving the lives of homeless people by giving them opportunities to become productive citizens. They address causes of homelessness, including lack of housing, income disparities, social services, and civil rights issues. Some of their projects include converting federal vacant buildings into housing, job training, and childcare facilities. In addition, they work to ensure homeless children are able to attend public school and residents receive vital welfare support services.

Over the years, the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty has been defined by the hard work and dedication of the individuals involved in its work — staff, pro bono attorneys and other volunteers, and board members. Further, it creatively utilizes its limited resources to achieve its desired goals around addressing homelessness. It is rare for an organization of its size to have such reach. –Joy

Accountability Lab

Accountability Lab

Washington, D.C.

The Accountability Lab strives to create more inclusive and accountable societies by supporting leaders and change-makers develop and implement their ideas. They actively enable people to use their knowledge, skills, and coalitions to create positive social change. Their work serves people in Liberia, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, and South Africa. Through programs and advocacy, they equip future leaders through campaigns, hubs, and help desks. 

I found out about the Accountability Lab only last year, but since then I’ve seen the Accountability Lab as the breeding ground for future leaders in both civic space and government agencies. Relating to the Accountability Lab Nigeria Office, I have seen the highest form organization I have ever seen in all the organizations I have come across. –Ismail A.1

Center for Public Integrity Office. Source: Facebook Page

Center for Public Integrity

Washington, D.C.

The Center for Public Integrity uses investigative journalism about public issues to create more accountability and government transparency. To this end, they have published numerous blogs, reports, and stories compiled into a searchable database. Some of their main areas of interest include the environment, money in politics, state governments, workers’ rights, immigration, national security, economic justice, and technology.

For more than 20 years, the Center for Public Integrity has been doing the kind of journalism that too many mainstream newspapers and magazines have abandoned: hard-hitting, powerful stories of matters that are of great importance to the public, both nationally and internationally. The world of nonprofit journalism has grown over the years, but CPI was one of the first models of this approach to reporting the news. It has established itself as an important voice of sanity, intelligence, credibility, independence, and, yes, integrity in the best tradition of journalism. And for that, as one of the important vehicles for ensuring the health of our democracy. –szegedym