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Finding the Perfect Nonprofit: A Student’s Guide to Volunteering

volunteers happily working together

Are you a student eager to make a difference in your community but unsure where to start? Volunteering with a nonprofit organization is a fantastic way to give back, gain valuable experience, and make meaningful connections. However, with so many nonprofits out there, finding the right fit can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to finding the perfect nonprofit to volunteer with.

1. Reflect on Your Passions and Interests: Before diving into your search, take some time to reflect on your passions, interests, and skills. What causes are you most passionate about? What issues do you want to address in your community? By identifying your personal values and interests, you can narrow down your search to nonprofits that align with your goals and aspirations.

2. Research Nonprofits in Your Area: Next, research nonprofit organizations in your local area. GreatNonprofits provides a comprehensive online database containing millions of US-based charities for you to explore based on your interests and location. Additionally, consider reaching out to your school’s community service office or local volunteer centers for recommendations and resources.

3. Assess the Organization’s Mission and Impact: As you explore different nonprofits, pay close attention to their mission statements and impact statements. Does their mission resonate with you? Do they have a track record of making a meaningful difference in their community? Look for organizations that are transparent about their goals, values, and impact. We provide details like the causes a charity supports, their mission, results, target demographic details and an over view of programs for most almost all nonprofits in the US.

4. Consider Time Commitments and Volunteer Opportunities: Consider your availability and the time commitment required for volunteering. Some nonprofits may offer flexible volunteer opportunities that fit around your schedule, while others may require a more significant time commitment. Additionally, think about the type of volunteer work you’re interested in – whether it’s hands-on service, event planning, fundraising, or administrative support.

5. Reach Out and Get Involved: Once you’ve identified a few nonprofits that align with your interests, don’t hesitate to reach out and get involved. Attend volunteer orientations, informational sessions, or networking events to learn more about the organization and its volunteer opportunities. Take the initiative to introduce yourself, ask questions, and express your enthusiasm for contributing to their mission.

6. Start Small and Grow From There: As a student, it’s essential to start small and gradually expand your involvement with a nonprofit. Begin by volunteering for a single event or project to gain experience and build rapport with the organization. Over time, you can take on additional responsibilities and explore leadership roles within the nonprofit.

7. Stay Committed and Reflect on Your Experience: Finally, remember to stay committed to your volunteer work and reflect on your experience along the way. Keep track of your accomplishments, skills gained, and lessons learned during your time with the nonprofit. Use this experience to inform your future volunteer endeavors and continue making a positive impact in your community.

Volunteering with a nonprofit organization is not only a chance to give back but also an opportunity for personal and professional growth. By following these steps and finding the perfect nonprofit match, you can embark on a rewarding volunteer journey that makes a difference in the lives of others. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start volunteering today!

A Guide to Maximizing Your GreatNonprofits Profile

nonprofit reviews and ratings

Welcome to our best practices guide on managing your nonprofit’s GreatNonprofits presence effectively. In today’s digital age, a compelling online profile can significantly impact your organization’s visibility, credibility, and ultimately, its ability to fulfill its mission. To help you navigate this landscape with confidence, we’ve compiled a list of dos and don’ts tailored specifically for nonprofits. From showcasing your work through photos and videos to handling negative feedback with grace, these guidelines will empower you to maximize the potential of your online platform while upholding the values of transparency, integrity, and community engagement. Let’s dive in!

Do’s of GreatNonprofit Profile Management

Here are some dos to help you make the most of your organization’s online presence.

  1. DO add photos and videos to your nonprofit profile. Visual content adds depth and engagement to your profile, helping to tell your organization’s story in a compelling way.
  2. DO tell the most vivid and memorable story about what you do. Captivate your audience with a narrative that highlights the impact of your work and resonates with their emotions.
  3. DO ask your constituents to write a review. Encourage feedback from volunteers, donors, clients, and others associated with your nonprofit. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights and credibility.
  4. DO ask your volunteers, donors, clients, and others to write a review, even if they don’t have anything to write! Every review, even a simple acknowledgment, contributes to building trust and visibility for your organization.
  5. DO send a “public compliment” to someone who has taken the time to post a review about your nonprofit. Show appreciation for those who support your cause by acknowledging their contributions publicly.
  6. DO respond to a review about you. Engage with reviewers to demonstrate your commitment to transparency and accountability. Responding allows you to address any concerns and foster a sense of community around your organization.
  7. DO familiarize yourself with our Community Guidelines. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with GreatNonprofit’s Community Guidelines to ensure compliance and respectful interaction within online.

Don’ts of GreatNonprofit Profile Management

Now, let’s delve into some additional don’ts to ensure effective management of your nonprofit’s profile.

  1. DON’T review your own nonprofit if you are a paid employee. Maintain integrity and avoid conflicts of interest by refraining from reviewing your organization if you’re a paid staff member.
  2. DON’T ask other paid employees to review the organization either. Keep reviews genuine by encouraging feedback only from non-paid volunteers and board members. Their unbiased perspectives are valuable for building credibility.
  3. DON’T lash out at the people who have written negative reviews about you. Responding defensively to negative feedback can harm your organization’s reputation. Instead, approach criticism with professionalism and a willingness to address concerns constructively.
  4. DON’T overestimate the impact of a single negative review. While negative feedback can be disheartening, it’s important to keep perspective. A few negative reviews among predominantly positive ones can actually enhance your credibility. However, if patterns emerge, take the feedback seriously and consider areas for improvement.

Remember, your nonprofit’s online profile is a reflection of your mission and values. By following these dos and don’ts, you can effectively manage your profile and amplify the impact of your work. And if you have any more questions about your GreatNonprofits profile, check out our Nonprofit FAQs or email us at

16 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Flood Your GreatNonprofits Profile with Positive Reviews!

In the digital age, where the narrative around your mission can spread far and wide at the click of a button, harnessing the power of reviews has never been more crucial for nonprofits. Positive testimonials from stakeholders not only enhance your credibility but also significantly boost your visibility. However, the process of soliciting these reviews can often feel daunting and often, repetitive. It’s essential to keep the approach fresh, engaging, and respectful of your stakeholders’ experiences and time. Here, we explore a blend of both tried-and-tested methods and some creative, less conventional strategies to inspire your efforts in gathering meaningful reviews.


9 Steps for Nonprofits to Navigate Digital Transformation in 2024

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, nonprofit organizations (NPOs) face a unique set of challenges and opportunities. While their primary focus remains on social impact and community service, keeping pace with digital transformation is essential for their survival and growth. This journey, however, is fraught with complexities, particularly for organizations that traditionally rely more on human touch than technological sophistication.


Boost Your Nonprofit’s Visibility in 2024: Encourage Reviews Now!

Are you ready to kickstart the New Year with a bang? As we step into January with fresh goals and renewed energy, it’s the perfect time to unlock the power of reviews! Did you know that in today’s digital age, reviews have become one of the most potent tools for nonprofits to attract donors and volunteers? By encouraging our supporters to share their experiences, you can showcase our real-world impact and build trust and transparency – essential for nonprofit growth.


Five Ways to Make a Meaningful Impact on MLK Day of Service with GreatNonprofits (From the Comfort of Your Pajamas!)

helping hand MLK Day of Service

The Martin Luther King Day of Service or MLK Day of Service is a day to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and a special occasion for us to honor him by giving back to our communities, commemorating important causes, and creating a positive impact on the world around us.

It is a day when individuals and communities come together to volunteer their time, resources, and energy for the greater good. It’s a day to honor the spirit of service and compassion, celebrating the contributions of volunteers, donors, and nonprofits who work tirelessly to make the world a better place.

This year, the MLK Day of Service is on January 15, 2024, and here are five ways you can make a difference with GreatNonprofits.


Giving with Heart: Make a Difference In Your Community this Giving Tuesday

As we approach the season of giving, there’s a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact right in your own community. Giving Tuesday is just around the corner, and we invite you to join us in supporting the incredible work of local nonprofits through This year, let’s embrace the spirit of generosity by contributing to the organizations that are tirelessly working to make our communities better places for all.

Discover the Heart of Your Community: is your gateway to discovering and supporting local nonprofits that are making a significant difference in your community. We believe in the power of firsthand experiences, and that’s why our platform is built on the stories and reviews shared by donors, volunteers, and the individuals directly served by these nonprofits. By tapping into the collective wisdom of the community, we aim to connect donors with the organizations that align with their values and passions.


Elevate Your Impact: Unveiling the 2023 GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Guide!

‘Tis the season for giving, and what better way to make a lasting impact than by supporting causes close to your heart? At, we’re thrilled to present the highly anticipated 2023 GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Guide – a curated collection of inspiring stories and impactful organizations that are changing the world, one compassionate act at a time.

What Sets GreatNonprofits Apart?

Unlike other charity awards, our Top-Rated Nonprofit winners are handpicked by those with direct experiences – volunteers, donors, and individuals who have directly benefited from these organizations. Their stories are a testament to the genuine impact these nonprofits are making in communities around the globe.


How to Develop Your Nonprofit Awareness Campaign’s Messaging

nonprofit awareness campaign messaging - a photo of a nonprofit professional at her desk

Your nonprofit works hard to push your cause forward, from creating donor engagement opportunities to hosting fundraising events like auctions and galas. While fundraising is always on your nonprofit’s mind, it’s also important to consider how you can grow and increase your cause’s visibility to people all over the world.

Nonprofits bring attention to their missions by conducting awareness campaigns. Unlike your standard fundraising campaign, awareness campaigns focus first and foremost on spreading the word about your organization, how you’re working to tackle an issue, and why you need donor support to make it happen.

Read more: How to Develop Your Nonprofit Awareness Campaign’s Messaging

To bring your awareness campaign to life and attract audiences to your cause, you need to develop the right messaging. In this article, we’ll go over these top tips to inspire new and current supporters with your awareness campaign communications: 

  • Consider your target audience
  • Connect your campaign to your mission
  • Leverage storytelling

With the right messaging, your awareness campaign can lead to plenty of future support for your organization, allowing you to strengthen your donor base and show donors the value of giving back to your organization. 

Consider your target audience

Like any fundraising campaign, the first step to crafting your awareness campaign’s messaging is to identify and define your audience. First, decide whether you want to reach your entire audience base with your messaging or if you’re interested in reaching a particular segment, such as a certain age group or prospective supporters living in a specific region or city.

Narrowing down your audience can help you craft more targeted and compelling communications to spur emotional connection. To help facilitate this process, develop donor personas. Donor personas are fictional representations of your real-life supporters that encompass shared characteristics, interests, and demographics. 

Comb through your CRM to pinpoint trends in your donor data and figure out which donor segments would be most productive for you to target. As you look through these data points, consider questions like:

  • What are the demographics of our supporters (i.e. location, age, gender, employment details)?
  • Who are our most devoted supporters who regularly participate in our fundraising events and campaigns and give consistently? 
  • Who has participated in our awareness campaigns in the past? 
  • When we last conducted an awareness or other type of campaign, what kind of messages and engagement tactics were most effective at encouraging their involvement? 

Answering these questions will help identify the right people to focus on with your messaging and shape your audience engagement strategy. For example, after exploring these data-driven insights, you might identify a donor segment of millennials in your local area who have engaged with your organization online in the past. This could be a great opportunity to tailor your messaging to this audience and reengage them in your mission.

Connect your campaign to your mission

Your nonprofit might run an awareness campaign to bring attention to a very specific issue in your area, such as the pollution of a nearby river or the planned demolition of a historical building. While you should bring as much attention as possible to this problem, it’s also critical that you frame it as a reflection of your entire mission more broadly.

The OneCause guide to awareness campaigns explains that donors who understand and are connected to a nonprofit’s mission have a higher likelihood of donating in the future and staying engaged beyond this campaign. Therefore, highlighting your organization’s mission as part of your awareness campaign messaging will demonstrate how and why your nonprofit is trusted and worthy of donor support.

Keep your messaging as succinct and comprehensive as possible, and we recommend focusing your campaign on one aspect of your mission.

For example, if your nonprofit’s mission revolves around animal welfare, you might focus your awareness campaign on shelter overpopulation. This gives your audience a more specific issue to focus on, rather than trying to understand and process all of the issues animals face in their community.

Leverage storytelling

Your nonprofit needs a surefire way to ensure that prospective supporters not only read your communications but identify with the mission and are motivated to deepen their involvement. This is where a strong storytelling strategy can help.

Stories help to tug at your audience’s heartstrings and are powerful tools to deepen donors’ connection to your cause. 

To add storytelling to your awareness campaign’s messaging, use these best practices: 

  • Showcase real people: Heroes give audiences someone to root for and empathize with. With their permission, consider telling impact stories that center around beneficiaries, show your nonprofit in action, and bring attention to a given problem in the community. For example, a hunger relief organization that wants to bring awareness to food insecurity might tell the story of a family barely able to get by and provide their children with nutritious meals. Then, explain how your organization stepped in and transformed their lives with the help of donor support. 
  • Use visuals: Powerful visuals, like photos and videos, can help to further illustrate your impact and bring your stories to life. Tectonic Video’s guide to nonprofit video storytelling suggests creating a testimonial video that features stories from your beneficiaries or filming a day-in-the-life video of one of your volunteers to showcase the work you’re doing in the community. 
  • End with a call-to-action: While you don’t want to ask audiences to donate just yet, you can encourage them to get involved in your mission in more casual ways. For example, you could ask them to sign up for your email newsletter, sign a petition, or create a peer-to-peer fundraising page. 

Make sure to spread your stories far and wide so you can attract a large audience to your cause. A multi-channel marketing strategy is the best way to create multiple touchpoints with audiences and keep your cause top of mind. Share your awareness campaign messaging via social media, your website, email, and other relevant platforms.

Whether you’re hosting a standalone awareness campaign or pairing it with an existing awareness day or month, it’s critical that you think through how you present your campaign and your cause as a whole. Ensure your messaging is tailored to your target audience and showcases your nonprofit’s impact. Then, make sure you offer clear ways for audiences to stay involved even after your campaign is over.

Author: Kelly Velasquez-Hague, Director of Content Marketing for OneCause

Kelly brings over 20 years of fundraising, nonprofit management, and sales/marketing experience to her role at OneCause. As a member of the OneCause sales and marketing team, Kelly manages all of the company’s content strategy and execution. She is passionate about empowering great missions and loves that her current role allows her to continue to help nonprofits reach new donors and raise more funds for their cause.

Giving Tuesday Checklist

Follow these steps to maximize your impact and engage your supporters effectively on Giving Tuesday.

Four Ways to Support Equality and Love this Pride Month and Beyond

Pride Month isn’t just for members of the LGBTQ+ community; it’s for everyone. 

Each June, we focus on celebrating diversity in our communities. We recognize the progress made toward equality. However, as more and more governments are passing legislation that would harm members of the LGBTQ+ community – particularly LGBTQ+ youth – Pride Month is our chance to support organizations working to preserve equal rights while making the world a safer, kinder place. 

LGBTQ+ Nonprofits can’t accomplish their mission alone. 

This Pride Month, Great Nonprofits is highlighting Top-Rated LGBTQ+ Organizations that provide education, advocacy, activism, and life-saving support for LGBTQ+ people of all ages. We have gathered community reviews for thousands of nonprofit organizations so that you can donate confidently, knowing your dollars are directly impacting LGBTQ+ individuals. 

Please join us in celebrating and protecting the LGBTQ+ community. 

The following are just a select four of the hundreds of LGBTQ+ nonprofits that have a proven track record of trustworthiness and success, so you can donate knowing that your contribution is valued. 

Any size donation contributes to an outsized impact.


Seattle, WA


Free2Luv is transforming lives by empowering LGBTQ+ youth to embrace their individuality and practice self-love. With the theme “love is stronger than hate” as its foundation, Free2Luv encourages young people to embrace acceptance, reject bullying and hate, and create cultures of tolerance wherever they are. 

The organization focuses on mental health and self-acceptance, bringing proven techniques to under-resourced youth nationwide. Free2Luv has partnered with celebrities and other high-profile changemakers to create social media campaigns and outreach events that impact millions of young people each year. 

By empowering youth to live as their authentic selves and to love and accept one another, Free2Luv is changing the world, one young person at a time. 

“What you are doing to promote awareness, kindness, and acceptance with your anti-bully campaign and Instagram account brings me to tears. It is so heartwarming when groups rally around children such as my son and his siblings. Keep up the great work.” -DownwithJake, Client Served

Donate to Free2Luv

The Trevor Project

West Hollywood, CA


LGBTQ+ youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide than their peers. The increased risk isn’t caused by their sexual orientation or gender identity, but rather by the way these young people are treated by society. The rejection and hostility LGBTQ+ people face puts them at a greater risk of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations.

The Trevor Project is the nation’s leading suicide prevention and mental health support organization for LGBTQ+ youth. Those in crisis can reach a trained counselor 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year through text, online chat, or phone. It’s impossible to know how many lives The Trevor Project has saved, but counselors spoke with more than 150,000 young people in 2020 alone.

The Trevor Project works tirelessly to save young LGBTQ+ lives. With so many LGBTQ+ youth under attack from local and state legislators, this organization gives young people a safe place to be themselves. 

“It is like a dream come true. It is one thing to have a helpline, and that’s great in itself. But it’s even better to get that same support from kids like you that know what you’re going through. Trevor has changed my life.” -vocrocks, Client Served

Donate to The Trevor Project

Family Equality

New York, NY


Family Equality is building a world where everyone can experience the joy and unconditional love of family. 

Legal protections for LGBTQ+ couples seeking to foster or adopt children have come a long way. But a dozen states still allow state-sponsored child welfare agencies to deny placement into homes with LGBTQ+ guardians because of their religious beliefs. 

LGBTQ+ individuals and couples still face extreme hardships when it comes to building the family of their dreams. From surrogacy concerns to birth certificate challenges to the rights of families with transgender children, LGBTQ+ families do not have equal rights.

Family Equality is working to change that. The organization focuses on community building, education, advocacy, and policy change initiatives that would increase legal and lived equality for all American families. 

“Today, we are extremely concerned that our son, who is also a member of the LGBTQ+ community, will grow up in a country with fewer human rights than what we had previously fought so hard to achieve. But Family Equality gives us hope. It represents us in Washington, DC, and provides frequent opportunities for us to advocate for our human rights using online tools that are accessible. Family Equality empowers us to remember that we are part of a gloriously diverse community fighting together for a better future for our children.” -Jclanclotto, Client Served

Donate to Family Equality


Ft. Lauderdale, FL


Community is undeniably crucial to LGBTQ+ people. LGBTQ+ community centers across the world provide support, connection, and vital services and resources for their local LGBTQ+ members. CenterLink works to empower and support each local LGBTQ+ center, giving them the resources and opportunities they need to serve their communities better.

CenterLink addresses the concerns and challenges that many LGBTQ+ centers face. By connecting these centers with one another, the organization helps each individual community center thrive. 

The organization provides one-on-one and group training, webinars, annual Leadership Summits, an Executive Director Boot Camp, and phone and online support. CenterLink also focuses on advocacy and activism, working to change policies that impact LGBTQ+ people and the community centers they rely on for support and connection.

“I utilize CenterLink often to help connect with other LGBTQ Centers to learn about their programs and services, gain new insight into best and emerging practices, and provide other Centers with the knowledge I have gained over the years. CenterLink is a vital resource for our community!” -Jarcher12, Professional with Experience in this Field

Donate to CenterLink

Although we focus on LGBTQ+ issues during Pride Month, your donations keep Pride support operating all year long.

6 Organizations Focused on Women to Celebrate Mother’s Day

This month, we are celebrating the moms and mother figures in our lives who provide love, support, care, and the warmest hugs. If you’re still searching for the perfect Mother’s Day gift, why not give in her honor to one of her favorite organizations? We’ve rounded up six impactful nonprofits dedicated to empowering and advocating on behalf of women worldwide — and you can find more causes perfectly tailored to Mom’s interests on GreatNonprofits.


6 Top-Rated Climate Change Organizations to Support for Earth Day

Celebrated annually on April 22, Earth Day serves as both a day of reflection and a day of action as we mobilize to preserve our planet.

With each passing year, we are reminded of the critical importance of protecting our natural resources for the next generation. This year’s Earth Day theme, “Invest In Our Planet,” focuses on engaging everyone to do their part — from governments and institutions, to businesses, to the more than 1 billion individuals who participate in Earth Day activities annually.

In the words of Kathleen Rogers, president of, “We must join together in our fight for the green revolution, and for the health of future generations. The time is now to Invest In Our Planet.”

We can’t afford to wait any longer. Here are six top-rated climate organizations taking measurable steps to improve our planet. Help them continue their vital work with a generous donation this Earth Day.


Making a Difference: A Guide on How to Support Nonprofit Organizations

the word "nonprofit" written on black chalkboard

Nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in addressing social issues, supporting communities, and driving positive change. Whether you’re passionate about environmental conservation, education, healthcare, or social justice, there are countless ways to support nonprofit organizations and make a meaningful impact. In this article, we’ll explore various ways individuals can contribute to nonprofits and help them thrive in their mission.

1. Donate Financially: One of the most direct ways to support nonprofit organizations is through financial contributions. Consider making a one-time donation or setting up a recurring donation to provide ongoing support. Many nonprofits rely on individual donations to fund their programs, initiatives, and operations, so every dollar counts. You can make a cash donation through GreatNonprofits. We help organizations raise millions of dollars each year.

2. Volunteer Your Time and Skills: Volunteering your time and skills is another valuable way to support nonprofits. Whether it’s serving meals at a soup kitchen, tutoring students, or assisting with fundraising events, there are endless opportunities to get involved. Consider your interests, expertise, and availability, and find volunteer opportunities that align with your passions. Learn more about how to use GreatNonprofits to find great volunteer opportunities here.

3. Get Social: Raise awareness about nonprofit organizations and their causes by sharing their mission, impact, and accomplishments with your network. Use social media platforms, blog posts, or community events to amplify their message and reach a broader audience. By spreading awareness, you can inspire others to get involved and support worthy causes.

4. Share Your Story: Your story has the potential to inspire others and drive change in our community. Share your journey, your triumphs, and the impact that the nonprofit has had on your life by writing a review on the GreatNonprofit website. Whether it’s a heartfelt testimonial or a captivating success story, your narrative can illustrate the tangible difference that this organization makes every single day.

5. Advocate for Change: Advocacy is a powerful tool for driving social change and influencing policy decisions. Stand up for causes you believe in by advocating for legislative reforms, raising awareness about pressing issues, and mobilizing support within your community. Contact elected officials, participate in advocacy campaigns, and use your voice to advocate for positive change.

6. Attend Events and Fundraisers: Support nonprofits by attending their events, fundraisers, and community activities. Whether it’s a charity gala, a fundraising walk, or a volunteer appreciation event, your presence and participation can make a significant difference. Show your support by purchasing tickets, making donations, and engaging with the organization’s supporters and stakeholders.

7. Donate Goods and Resources: Many nonprofits rely on donated goods and resources to fulfill their mission. Consider donating items such as clothing, food, school supplies, or household goods to organizations that serve vulnerable populations. Additionally, you can donate professional services, such as graphic design, legal advice, or marketing expertise, to help nonprofits improve their operations and outreach efforts.

8. Become a Sustaining Member or Patron: Consider becoming a sustaining member or patron of a nonprofit organization by making a long-term commitment to support their work. Sustaining members provide reliable funding and stability, allowing nonprofits to plan and execute their programs effectively. Explore membership options, benefits, and perks offered by nonprofits and choose a level of support that fits your budget and interests.

9. Participate in Matching Programs: Take advantage of matching gift programs offered by employers, foundations, or other organizations to maximize your impact. Many employers offer matching gift programs that match their employees’ charitable contributions, effectively doubling the impact of your donation. Check with your employer or search online databases to see if your contributions qualify for matching gifts.

10. Create a Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign: Harness the power of your personal connections and networks to raise funds and awareness for causes you care about. By participating in peer-to-peer fundraising, you become a vital advocate for the nonprofit’s mission, inspiring others to join you in supporting their programs and initiatives. GreatNonprofits enables you to turn any donation that you make on the site into a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign.

Remember, supporting nonprofit organizations is a powerful way to make a positive difference in the world. Whether through financial contributions, volunteering, advocacy, or spreading awareness, every act of support helps nonprofits fulfill their mission and create lasting change. By finding ways to support causes you’re passionate about, you can play a vital role in building a better future for all.

How Nonprofits Are Empowering Children’s Connections with the World

There is a growing number of vulnerable children around the globe. In fact, there are nearly 11 million children living in poverty in America alone. Childhood poverty has been exacerbated by factors like rising inflation costs that affect the price of basic commodities and the housing crisis. At the same time, the sudden closure of schools and shift to distanced and virtual learning has reinforced the barriers to quality education for low-income children.

Need a Last Minute Gift? Donate in Honor of a Loved One.

Did you know that when you donate through GreatNonprofits to support a charity, you can dedicate your donation in honor of someone else? We think this is a perfect solution for meaningful, last-minute gifts.

It’s been a busy year! Perhaps you haven’t had time to tackle everyone on your holiday gift list. Maybe you’ve realized a few more people to whom you’d like to show your love and appreciation. Or you might be looking for the perfect token for colleagues, employees, and partners at work.

We can help you with that.

Donate through GreatNonprofits in honor of a friend, colleague, or family member, and you’ll get a personalized certificate sharing your generosity to present to them. It’s fast, easy, and secure. Most importantly, it’s available right now – no waiting for shipping or processing.

What do your loved ones care about most? Find amazing organizations working for more than 50 causes with the 2022 Top-Rated Nonprofit Guide.

Generosity by the Numbers: Giving Trends 2022 [INFOGRAPHIC]

As we approach the end of 2022, GreatNonprofits took a look back at the major giving trends of the year. We looked into what drove and affected generosity across the United States including parameters such as: gender, age, income, geography, timing, devices, top causes & influencers to donate.

We were pleased to find out that we had donations coming from across the entire United States and that donating is moving quickly from desktops to mobile devices. We are also proud to share that 85% of donors said that reading reviews about nonprofits influences their donation decisions.

Check out the infographic below to dive into the findings!

GreatNonprofits 2022 Giving Trends

GreatNonprofits encourages you to influence the upcoming year’s Giving Trends. Find a cause you love and donate at

How to Give from Your Heart for Maximum Impact This Giving Tuesday

I believe you are a good person. I think you care deeply about making the world better, perhaps in a few specific ways. Perhaps you haven’t figured out how you’ll do it yet, but I know you will.

Here’s the thing, though: you are probably not a billionaire or even a millionaire. Like so many of us, you may struggle to figure out how to make ends meet and support your dreams. How can you make the biggest possible difference with what you DO have to offer?

No matter what cause or issue you care about, there are plenty of nonprofit organizations working to address it. The question is, which ones are doing the best job? These are the ones to whom you should give your hard-earned money. You need a way to make smart giving decisions.


Tackling Society’s Biggest Challenges: Announcing the 2022 Top-Rated Nonprofit Award Winners

2022 Top-Rated Awards

Here we are, wending our way through another Autumn. We may be admiring the colorful leaves, bundling up during cold mornings, or preparing for fun-filled holiday celebrations. This time of year brings another exciting milestone: the release of the 2022 Top-Rated Nonprofits.

GreatNonprofits is thrilled to congratulate all of the amazing charities who achieved top-rated status by being positively rated by their communities this year.

2022 Top-Rated Award Winner Highlights
