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A Regular Person’s Perspective on Ending Hunger

Following the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, & Health

On September 28, 2022, the Biden-Harris Administration hosted the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.

The last time the federal government convened such a focused gathering on this issue was 1969, more than 50 years ago. Not a good look. Still, the last conference paved the way for critical programs like school lunches, SNAP, WIC, and important changes to food-labeling practices. We need new and better advancements like these more than ever to address the chronic health, hunger, and poverty issues we’re facing in this country.

According to the USDA, more than 34 million people are food insecure in the USA. This includes about 9 million children. There are people in every community in the country struggling with hunger.

Discover and support top-rated nonprofit organizations working to end hunger.

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The toll of hunger and diet-related diseases like diabetes, obesity, and hypertension is not distributed equally, of course. Underserved communities are disproportionately impacted, including communities of color, people living in rural areas, people with disabilities, older adults, LGBTQI+ people, military families, and military veterans. A major problem is lack of access to healthy food and healthy lifestyle resources, and this lack of access has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic to deepen an already horrific crisis.

I didn’t attend the White House Conference (I’m just a regular person, remember?) but here are my notes and major takeaways after reviewing reports from those who attended:


How to Help Victims of Hurricane Ian Right Now

Source: Newsweek

Hurricane Ian is one of the strongest storms to ever hit Florida. Since making landfall on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, it has devastated communities as it moved across the state with record-breaking winds, rains, and storm surges that left people trapped and in mortal danger. As we write this post the storm continues to rage, and we know all of you in the generous GreatNonprofits network are waiting anxiously for reports of damage, injury, and lives lost.

Fortunately, we can do more than sit idly as we follow the news reports; we can act now by supporting nonprofit organizations who are already working on the ground to help storm victims. By donating to organizations reviewed on GreatNonprofits, you can be confident your money is going directly to charities that help real people – because you can read community stories about their impact right here.

Below we’ve highlighted a few of the great nonprofits working right now to help victims of Hurricane Ian:


Benefits of Consolidating Your Tax-Deductible Charitable Donations

tax-deductible gifts to charity tax form image

It’s December 22nd, and you’ve just spent a few hours digging through all your emails and files. The deadline to process charitable donations is coming up fast, and you still haven’t found all your receipts – sound familiar?

This year, we’re helping you get ahead of that end-of-the-year crunch.

GreatNonprofits helps you maximize your end-of-the-year tax benefits by keeping all your charitable giving in one place.

Giving USA reported that individual Americans donated more than ever in 2021 – more than $325B! As more people become donors, it is essential to understand how your contributions impact both the organization and your finances.

GreatNonprofits helps you maximize your end-of-the-year tax deductions by keeping all your charitable giving in one place. Our nonprofit marketplace makes it so easy to choose, give, and track donations to causes you care about, plus it’s a HUGE time saver.

We’ve pulled together a few guidelines to consider when making charitable donations.

Research and compare nonprofits before you give.
So you’ve found some community organizations that center the values and causes important to you. It is critical to confirm the charitable status of the organizations you want to support and look into each organization’s reputation and quality. A nonprofit marketplace with consistent, unbiased reviews is a fast and easy way to find crucial external insight into charitable organizations.

Keep all necessary tax documentation available and accessible. 
To receive a tax deduction, you must prove that your donation was made to a legitimate nonprofit organization. Work with an organization that issues itemized tax receipts, and keep them readily available when you file your taxes and deductions. If you plan to make donations across multiple nonprofits, it is beneficial to work with a single entity that can consolidate all of your tax documentation needs.

Monitor your charitable donations in one place.
Most philanthropists, large and small, make donations to multiple organizations. Therefore, it is wise to keep your contributions organized by using a nonprofit marketplace that can manage a wide range of charitable gifts. Using a platform such as GreatNonProfits, you can easily track and monitor your donation amounts, impact, and updates.

Example of a GreatNonprofits “My Donation History” page

Whether you haven’t started making charitable, tax-deductible donations or want to make more, GreatNonprofits helps you find, compare, and contribute to top-rated organizations. It also assists you in monitoring your charitable contributions and organizing all of the critical documentation needed to monetize your benefits. 

Explore how you can save hours searching for receipts and never miss a tax-deductible charitable contribution with consolidated giving through GreatNonprofits.

Overturn of Roe v. Wade Means More Support Needed for Women and Families

The US Supreme Court recently overturned the constitutional right to abortion, leaving the decision in the hands of each state. We understand that people feel strongly about the issue and have varying points of view. Nonetheless, women and families across the spectrum will likely need more assistance. Below we have compiled lists of top-rated nonprofits in a variety of categories that strive to support women and families in the midst of these changes.

Family Planning

Reproductive Health Care

Reproductive Rights

Right to Life

Women’s Rights

Nonprofit Organizations Making Progress Towards Gun Control

Gun Violence March

Gun violence in the United States has continued to escalate, with the number of mass shootings already at 213 this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive. The nation watched in horror as one of the deadliest school shootings in history unfolded and people are yet again left wondering if there is some way they can help to stop these tragedies.

In light of the most recent horrific shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas which killed 19 students and 2 adults, we have compiled a list of nonprofits working to solve this problem as a resource for people who want to contribute in a meaningful way.

Everytown for Gun Safety

Everytown for Gun Safety

Everytown is a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence and build safer communities. They focus on reform in four main areas: background checks, domestic violence, preventable deaths, and gun trafficking.

Donate to Everytown for Gun Safety

The Brady Campaign

The Brady Campaign

The Brady Campaign strives to “create a safer America for all of us that will lead to a dramatic reduction in gun deaths and injuries.” They are aiming to cut the number of U.S. gun deaths in half by 2025 by focusing on background checks, stopping ‘Bad Apple’ gun dealers, and voicing the dangers of keeping guns in the home. The organization’s name honors former White House Press Secretary Jim Brady, who was shot and seriously injured during an assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan.

Donate to The Brady Campaign

Newtown Action Alliance


Following the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, residents of Newtown, Connecticut founded the Newtown Action Alliance. They are “dedicated to reversing the escalating gun violence epidemic in this nation through the introduction of smarter, safer gun laws and broader cultural change.”

Donate to Newtown Action Alliance

Sandy Hook Promise

Sandy Hook Promise is a national nonprofit organization based in Newtown, Connecticut and led by several family members whose loved ones were killed in the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. Sandy Hook Promise’s mission is to prevent gun violence (and other forms of violence and victimization) BEFORE it can happen by educating and mobilizing youth and adults to identify, intervene, and get help for at-risk individuals.

Donate to Sandy Hook Promise


Gun Control Giving Fund

We have also created a Giving Fund for donors to easily contribute to several top organizations in this space. With a giving fund, you can make one donation to help multiple organizations all working on a vital single issue. We vet each nonprofit included in the fund and then evenly split your donation among the fund’s organizations.

Donate to the Giving Fund



Find more organizations working to stop gun violence on our Top Gun Control Nonprofits and Charities page.

Top Nonprofits to Support During American Heart Month

By Becca Stewart

Cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading cause of death. Nearly 18 million people around the globe die of heart-related illnesses each year, including heart attack and stroke. And in America, heart disease ranks as the No. 1 cause of death.

In an effort to educate people about heart health and reduce the number of cardiovascular deaths, President Lyndon B. Johnson created the first proclamation in 1964 to recognize the dangers of heart disease. Each year in February, American Heart Month focuses attention on issues like heart health, prevention, healthy diets, exercise, smoking cessation, and access to medical care.


Celebrating Top-Rated Black-Led Nonprofits in February for Black History Month


As we celebrate Black History Month, we are focusing on Black-led organizations who are working to close the equality gap. The origins of Black History Month unofficially began as early as 1915, though the month did not take on an official observance until 1976 when President Gerald Ford urged Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”

Since then, each February has been a month dedicated to the contributions and achievements of African Americans in U.S. history. These Top-Rated Nonprofits focus on impacting communities of color, working to create equal opportunities for all citizens.


What Donors Should Know About Giving Tuesday

The holidays are here! While you’re probably familiar with Black Friday and Cyber Monday, there’s one holiday that gives back: Giving Tuesday. What is Giving Tuesday? And how can donors make an impact this holiday season?

Honoring the Nation’s Heroes on Veterans Day

By Becca Stewart

On November 11, 1918, fighting ceased on battlefields in western Europe. More than 110,000 Americans lost their lives in the conflict. The following year, President Woodrow Wilson declared November 11 “Armistice Day,” a day to reflect on the war, honor those who served and remember those lost in battle. After the unconscionable losses sustained in World War II – nearly 420,000 Americans alone – President Dwight D. Eisenhower changed “Armistice Day” to “Veterans Day,” a national holiday to be observed on November 11 every year.


National Bullying Prevention Month: Orgs Creating Safer Schools

By Becca Stewart

It’s all too common in schools: being taunted, teased, and even physically abused by peers. An estimated one in five kids will experience bullying before they graduate high school. The internet and easy access to social media have added a new layer to this issue. Parents, teachers, and lawmakers are all working to raise awareness about bullying and make our schools a safer place.


How to Celebrate US Indigenous People’s Day

Look at your calendar and find the second Monday of October. You’ll likely see the words “Columbus Day” written there, a national holiday made official in 1937 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

World Mental Health Day: October 10

By Becca Stewart

Source: Unsplash

On World Mental Health Day, October 10, 2021, the world will be a year and a half into the COVID-19 pandemic. Around the world, people are experiencing a heightened sense of fear, anxiety, and isolation. As new variants of the illness create unknown risks, many are weary and disillusioned. 


National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day

By Becca Stewart

The purpose of National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day is twofold. 

First, to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS infection rates among adults aged 50 and older. In 2018, nearly 17% of all new HIV diagnoses in the U.S. were in adults over 50. On this holiday, organizations hope to bring attention to this issue, telling older adults that HIV can infect people of any age, at any stage of their lives.


Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by Giving Back

By Becca Stewart

According to the latest census data, there are more than 62 million Hispanic Americans currently living in the country. Each of those individuals has roots that trace back to Spanish-speaking countries around the globe. Many families have passed down traditions through the generations, leaving a rich artistic and cultural legacy. We honor these traditions during Hispanic Heritage Month each year, beginning on September 15.


World Suicide Prevention Day

Source: Unsplash

In 2003, the World Health Organization, in conjunction with the International Association for Suicide Prevention, designated September 10 as World Suicide Prevention Day. Now nearing its 20th year, World Suicide Prevention Day is a chance to shine a spotlight on mental health and suicide around the globe. It’s also an opportunity to bring awareness to organizations that address mental health crises and prevent suicide. 


International Literacy Day


Literacy is the benchmark by which a healthy society is measured. Learning how to read and write isn’t just important in the classroom. Literacy impacts all facets of society, from healthcare to economic stability and beyond. In fact, experts use a country’s literacy rates to determine the overall “health and competence of communities.” 
