Top-Rated Insurance Provider Nonprofits

Insurance is a necessity of life. There are many different kinds of insurance and the purpose of any of them is to provide financial security in the event that something goes wrong. The following three insurance nonprofit programs aid people in recovering from unexpected hardship.

San Francisco, CA
The primary goal of NESsT is to provide financial support for new social enterprises so that they can continue to make an impact on society. They help almost 50,000 enterprises per year and have invested over $8 million in helping businesses get started or grow their current situation.
“It was a privilege to attend the SEWF 2012 conference hosted by NESst as well as moderate the panel. They created a memorable event. I’ve recently published an article on the SEWF 2012 for Queen’s Business School blog.” – indiakw

New York Trades Council & Hotel Association of New York City
New York, NY
The mission of the NY Trades Council is an insurance nonprofit which provides medical assistance and other services to those who are eligible along with their families. These services do not cost anything for those who are covered.
“The truth is that these things happen because there is a visionary leading the Hotel Trades Council. A visionary is someone who believes something can change even when others don’t see it. A lot of visionaries have the vision but don’t know how to do it. Peter does know how to do it. He knows how to get things done and so many people have benefited from this. They’ve gotten the healthcare they need and the wages and benefits they deserve!” – Mayor Bill de Blasio

Edina Public Schools Health Reimbursement Arrangement Trust
La Crosse, WI
Edina’s primary mission is to allow eligible employees to be paid back for their medical expenses. Employees must meet the required work hours (at least 17.5) and have a non-casual (regular and consistent hours) position.

United Church Insurance Association
Cleveland, OH
The United Church Insurance Association aims to serve churches and the like through a variety of different insurances. They offer liability, auto, and property insurance as well as worker’s compensation for those in the religious community. Almost 5,000 churches are involved in this program.