Posted by on Feb 9, 2017 Views: 4465

Top 5 Romantic Ways to Give Back

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, there’s no better time to show your local nonprofits some love. Want to make it a date? We’ve got some great, romantic ways to give back:

Go for a romantic walk . . . with a shelter dog: Many homeless puppies and dogs in animal shelters spend the bulk of their time in cages. Sign up to spend some time walking dogs together at a shelter.

Donate to your valentine’s favorite charity: Can’t volunteer together? Give your partner a gift card with money to put toward any charity he/she likes, or make a donation in your partner’s name to a favorite cause. Find charity gift cards at JustGive.

Cook for those in need: Not into the packed restaurant scene on Valentine’s Day? What about cooking a wholesome, hot meal for those in need in your neighborhood instead? Sign up together to cook or distribute food to the needy for a night.

Get the kids involved, or volunteer to help kids in need: Do your kids love making valentines? Why not deliver some to an elderly home? Do you both love working with kids? Volunteer together to mentor children in need.

Build something together: Work on a project together; it could be helping out at a Habitat for Humanity site, getting your hands in the dirt planting trees, or helping schoolchildren make art projects. Get creative!

Do you plan on volunteering this Valentine’s Day? Let us know how in the comments.