Posted by on Nov 20, 2019 Views: 3890

Top Volunteer Opportunities in Cincinnati in 2019

Cincinnati skyline Mr. RNGAnderson Wikimedia commons

Want to volunteer or intern at a great Cincinnati nonprofit? Whether you’re new to the city and want to learn about its charities, trying to change up your routine with some local charity work, or just want to volunteer or intern at a neighborhood nonprofit, everyone knows that the best way to find the right place for you is from the people who’ve been there!

Here’s a list of volunteers’ and interns’ favorite Cincinnati charities. Every nonprofit on this list has earned an overall score of 4 or greater out of 5 on If your favorite Cincinnati nonprofit or volunteer gig is missing, find it on, write a positive review, and show your co-volunteers how to start adding reviews and get it on the list!

Churches Active in Northside5-stars

CAIN Volunteers at a Hunger Walk Churches Active in Northside

“This past tax season I volunteered at CAIN to help individuals file their taxes. The work this organization does is absolutely amazing! The residents of Northside (which is considered a food desert) are able to come here to get nutritious food and learn about services available to them, as well as get their taxes filed for free. CAIN is such a great part of the Northside community.” –Taylor N.

Matthew 25: Ministries5-stars

I have been volunteering at Matthew 25 for about four-plus years. My wife and I go every Friday and do whatever we are asked to do in support of their mission. Whenever possible we bring our grandkids. They love doing work that benefits those in need. It provides a life lesson and strengthens caring values. Last week when I was there I saw several kids, about 6 or 7 years old working with soaps. The joy on their faces was priceless. Every time I show up, I am impressed by the professionalism of the staff and the work effort of them and the volunteers. Finding Matthew 25 was something I will be forever grateful happened.” –rjnlmcd

Testicular Cancer Society5-stars

volunteer at their awareness booth Testicular Cancer Society“I contacted this nonprofit many years ago asking if there was any way that I could help. I received so much support and guidance throughout my relationship with TCS. I know that I didn’t reinvent the wheel but with the help of TCS, I was able to educate and make many young men in my area aware of this disease and the important monthly self-exam.” –Squig

The Dragonfly Foundation5-stars

“The Dragonfly Foundation makes my heart smile. They show nothing but love and kindness to their Dragonflies. They make the kids feel like kids again, and the parents feel like parents again. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I didn’t have anything to make me feel normal again, nothing to take my mind off of what I was going through. Now I am so thankful that Dragonfly exists to help kids never have to feel what I felt, which was alone. I am now a proud intern for Dragonfly and I couldn’t be any happier. GO DRAGONFLY! #DidItForDragonfly” –morandjc

OneSource Center for Nonprofit Excellence5-stars

Volunteers doing some woodwork OneSource Center for Nonprofit Excellence“The OneSource vision just makes sense: Better nonprofit organizations create a better community. As a volunteer, I have never been embraced with open arms like I am at OneSource. They make you feel a part of their team and of the bigger picture. You can’t help but ask what else you can do for this amazing organization. OneSource exceeded my expectations, and I have no doubt they will continue to do so.” –OneSourceVolunteer1


Save Cats and Obliterate Overpopulation5-stars

“SCOOP has so much compassion for homeless cats and the community members who help these cats. Endless hours are spent educating people and finding solutions to tough situations for cats. The number of cats helped by such a small volunteer group never ceases to amaze me. I’m proud to be a volunteer for a group that gives so much to each cat that deserves a chance at life!” –Lisa 625

New Life Furniture5-stars

Little boy and a volunteer hugging New Life Furniture

“I have volunteered one day per week since the beginning of NLF. I have delivered to many families that have been sitting, eating, and sleeping on the floor for quite a while. The unconditional help shown to them lifts their spirits. How can anyone do well at school and work with such conditions? It is such a fantastic help and the families are overwhelmed. This is why I continue to do it. This is so satisfying to help in a small way making such a huge difference with some families. The children really capture your heart. You want them to have a chance.” –Ruf47

Impact 1005-stars

“Joined in 2013 after being introduced to Impact 100 by friends. I have been involved in some way ever since. Love the mission of Impact 100, love the members and all the nonprofits who have b0een awarded grants and are transforming our communities!” –Angela U

A Child’s Hope International5-stars

two kids holding up a hope sign A Childs Hope International, Inc.“Our family volunteers and donates to the worldwide effort of this organization to come alongside the orphan and the disadvantaged. Feeding the starving, providing the ability to have clean water, and advocating for adoption and foster care are key goals of this organization.” –Paul L3

Cooperative for Education 5-stars

“CoEd does amazing, measurable, very effective work for aspiring students in Guatemala. Their Culture of Reading programs and support of scholarship students to study past sixth grade are bolstered by a talented Guatemalan staff on the ground and active, energetic leaders in Cincinnati. Our visits with Guatemalan students at their schools and in their homes made very clear the enormous challenges of going to school in Guatemala and the fantastic hope and support CoEd provides. We are so happy to be involved in this organization!” –Kmartoneil1