Posted by on Dec 26, 2017 Views: 4565

This Season of Giving — Give to Express What You Stand For

This giving season, perhaps more than ever, you can make a tremendous difference by supporting causes you care about. Many of the things that we value dearly are under threat. But you can do something about it. You can do good and feel good, and join the millions of Americans who donate to show that they care about our society.

Protecting Our Parks

President Trump plans to open our public lands to oil and gas development. Already on the chopping block are Utah’s Bears Ears National Monument and Grand Staircase Escalante Monument, which stand to lose a combined 2 million acres. 

And that’s only the beginning, which is why an organization like the National Parks Conservation Association could really use your help like never before for the upcoming challenges it faces. As one donor writes:

“I have been very worried about this current administration destroying our national parks, our natural national treasures. By supporting the National Parks Conservation Association, I believe I am helping to stop the destructive actions and work toward preserving these national treasures for all to use and enjoy.”

Protecting Clean Air

As Oklahoma’s attorney general, Scott Pruitt sued the Environmental Protection Agency 14 times . . . and now he’s the chief of that agency. Organization like Friends of the Earth need your help to combat the Pruitt-championed repeal of the Clean Power Plan, which would reduce emissions from energy development. Said one supporter:

“Friends of the Earth protects our planet and all of us who call it home. Defending our environmental protections from Big Oil’s cronies in Congress protects our planet — and all of us.”

Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Count

Due to huge budget cuts, the 2020 Census risks a large undercount of low-income, underserved, and minority households.

You can help trusted organizations like the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights to inform policy, as well as to educate, motivate, and activate hard-to-count communities to participate in the census.

Fair Voting

Voter suppression has been an ugly blemish on this country’s political history, and we don’t have to look very far into the past to find evidence of it. Only about two weeks, in fact, as reports of suppression tactics — from police presence to voters being declared inactive — poured in from the polls in Alabama’s special election between Roy Moore and Doug Jones. Organizations like Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law fielded hundreds of calls that day, and with your help can work toward a day when racist polling place shenanigans become a relic of the past. Said one longtime volunteer:

“[The Lawyers Committee’s] Election Protection has been a wonderful opportunity to work collaboratively with lawyers and others in related fields throughout my community toward a common goal: Making sure everyone who has the right to vote and wants to, can.”

Helping the Working Poor

So many of the poor in this country are working poor. They have jobs, and yet they are still struggling to pay the increasing rent in many of our cities. You can give to the United Way, which has helped the working poor get $2 billion back through the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC). Said one chapter board member:

“As first a longtime donor, and then to join the board, I continue to be inspired by this amazing organization. Our partner agencies accomplish so much good for so many people in our community.”

These are just a few of the many social causes that I think are important. What causes do you feel passionate about right now? I would love to hear your thoughts below. —Perla Ni