Posted by on Jul 30, 2013 Views: 2639

Supporting Education Around the Globe

While you’re buying new school supplies and checking your child’s new class schedule, stop and take a moment to remember that there are thousands of other children around the world who aren’t blessed with the same opportunities for education.  Many of them rely on donations to access the same supplies we take for granted and volunteers to teach their classes.  This fall, send another child off to their first day of school by supporting one of these dedicated global education charities.

 Skills and Training

Image provided by: Youth Journalism International

Leadership Initiatives provides technical skill training for people in need of employment, ranging from fish farming, to auto repair, to computer literacy.  LI encourages local leaders to start their own businesses to address problems in their communities.

“LI’s intervention greatly transformed my life and that of my family. I was trained on the welding skill and I who earned nothing before and sat idle when I was not on the farm with my dad, now earns about N300 – N400 daily, giving me the financial power I needs to take care of myself and even help my family.”

Youth Journalism International connects teen writers, artists, and photographers around the world, and also teaches journalism professionally to budding young writers who otherwise would not have a platform to write or publish on.

“I had the opportunity to write stories about issues of real local interest: whether it was school board happenings, local sports results, or human interest stories, YJI gave me the opportunity to make my thoughts heard. My work at YJI helped me obtain a substantial scholarship to college, journalism awards, and helped put me on the road that has ended up with my becoming an attorney.”

Libraries, Books and Supplies

Image provided by: GambiaHELP

The African Library Project starts and improves small libraries in sub-Saharan Africa to promote literacy and education, by running used book drives in the USA to provide books for these libraries and training teacher-librarians.

“My experience with the African Library Project has been life-changing, not only for myself but for the hundreds of thousands of children in Africa over the next couple generations that will benefit from our efforts. The book drive I was a part of collected over 55,000 children’s books, starting 47.5 libraries throughout 5 different countries of Africa.”

GambiaHELP’s Educational Fund provides books and school supplies to children (mostly orphans) in 50 rural schools in The Gambia, and rehabilitates libraries damaged by heavy rain. They are currently fundraising to renovate a skills center and build an 8-classroom school.

“The libraries are bright, warm rooms filled with books that the students and teachers eagerly use. It is not uncommon to have schools without books, without libraries. One can only imagine how difficult it is teach and learn without resources. Setting up libraries with hundreds of books and providing other educational supplies has helped students learn in ways that they had not known before and opened them to the love of learning.”

Effortz Foundation works to provide a quality education to Tanzanian children through a literacy program, school supply and book donations, and scholarships that cover transportation, tuition, medical care, and clothing for students from primary school through secondary education.

“They were attempting to teach English in elementary school classes of 60+ children with no books, no supplies. Yet most teachers and students were eager to learn. As an educator who had taught in US public schools for 41 years, and having fallen in love with the people of Tanzania and their spirit in the face of extreme poverty, I felt called to help in whatever way I could.”

The Lubuto Library Project provides African youth with access to books and increased literacy by supplying their libraries with donations from book drives.  It also hosts drama, art, mentoring, and laptop programs for children.

“Lubuto’s contribution in promoting literacy is not sophisticated yet plants seeds of potential in the minds of the young that can mould generations yet unborn. I know because many years ago, I was once that Zambian child, ready to take on the world armed only with a desire to grow beyond my circumstances and a library card. Thank you Lubuto for all you do!”

Circle of Women builds girls’ primary and secondary schools and works in India, Pakistan, Malawi, and Afghanistan to supply classrooms, libraries, and computer labs for girls.

“Circle of Women quite simply allows girls to invest in themselves through investing in others. It believes that through seeking to educate others, we educate ourselves, building infinite possibility.”

Funding and Financial Aid

Image provided by: Daraja Academy

Daraja Academy provides four year high school scholarships for girls who excel in academics and leadership but don’t have the financial means to continue their education.

“Daraja Academy is an incredible place and they are creating truly life-changing and nation-changing work by educating the young women of Kenya that would otherwise not have the opportunity to go to school….I couldn’t believe how intelligent each girl I talked to was, they will truly change the face of Kenya in whatever they do.”

Kids Connection Haiti directly funds students who need financial aid to finish high school, vocational school, or university, teaches workshops and English classes, and makes connections for students to job network.

“Kids Connection Haiti provides very targeted support to help educate at-risk Haitian youth. A few years ago, many current KCH students did not have secure housing, food or jobs. They had few to no economic opportunities. Now, however, these same young adults are pursuing their dreams.”

Tutoring and Homework

Image provided by: African Community Education Program

African Community Education Program provides homework help and tutoring, as well as ESL and Citizenship classes for African refugee children just entering the US.

“In my time at the program, it was truly inspiring to witness how ACE students were able to excel academically and socially through their participation in ACE’s educational and mentor programs. If I could describe how I feel about ACE in three words I would have to say it is an innovative, change-making and integral non-profit organization in the Worcester community.”

Know of other amazing organizations that are helping to educate people around the world? Be sure to write a review.