Posted by on Sep 11, 2020 Views: 4202

Support These Organizations That Make Education More Affordable

Education can be expensive. About 72% of students in the United States require some type of financial assistance for college. There are many different kinds of aid, including scholarships, government aid, work-study programs, and student loans. Each type requires different paperwork, qualifications, and if you have loans, they require a payment plan that can last years. About 1 in 6 American adults currently have student loan debt. It isn’t just the tuition, but the transportation, living expenses, and other costs associated with getting an education.

In addition to college expenses, many families are faced with the costs of primary education. Some students need additional help or alternative schooling options that require money. Some incredible nonprofit organizations help with scholarships and student financial aid and make education more accessible. We wanted to share just a few of those wonderful organizations today.

Source: National Society of Collegiate Scholars Facebook Page

The National Society of Collegiate Scholars

Washington DC

This organization is all about academic excellence. They honor and recognize high achieving students. With different scholarship options, they can help recipients study abroad, receive financial help with some of their tuition, or participate in internship programs. Once you are a member of this organization, you will be able to network with others and explore different opportunities provided. It’s an excellent place for hard-working students to be celebrated.

Here is a recent review from a scholarship recipient:

“NSCS has changed my undergrad experience at GWU. I won a scholarship of $1000 my first semester and quickly became a leader within my chapter and within NSCS on their Leadership council. I have met a lot of accomplished authors and speakers including the creator of InternQueen and author of Get it together. These opportunities have shaped my life as well, as I met a ton of people at the conference last summer from other unis that I am still friends with today!”

Source: Unsplash

Educational Pathways International

Incline Village, NV

This organization focuses on the country of Ghana using a university scholarship program. They select gifted young people from families in Ghana and help them develop skills that will benefit their communities. They work with a few universities in Ghana and can provide scholarships and counseling and guidance in areas like women’s empowerment and career development. With their current resources, they can help 60-70 students each year. 

Here is a recent note from a recipient of one of their scholarships:

My name is Harrison Bediako John and I come from a very deprived area in Ghana.i am currently a student of the university of Ghana studying medical laboratory entry into the university seemed almost impossible because my parents couldn’t afford to pay for my fees and accommodation after completing senior high school.My Dad had lost his job for several years and my mum was a petite trader who couldn’t afford the fees.I entered into the university after borrowing money from people.Life became so difficult for me as school started and I was very worried how I would be able to complete my program.I therefore applied to the Educational pathways International (EPI) scholarship in 2016 and by God’s grace I became a beneficiary. EPI has provided me with all the necessary needs to be able to study hard and achieve my goals in future.I am very grateful to Mr and Mrs Lafrance for this wonderful opportunity they have provided us with.God richly bless and increase them in every facet of their lives.

Children’s Scholarship Fund

Children’s Scholarship Fund

New York, NY

This organization focuses on the younger students in grades K-8 that need alternatives to conventional public schools. They work to expand opportunities for families so their children can attend the schools that best meet their needs. In the last 20 years, they’ve been able to help more than 180,000 students, which is incredible. Not only do they help families, but they also work hard to impact policy to improve education options for all families regardless of income level or location.

Here is a note from a mother who received help for her son:

“In a few words, this has been one of the most challenging but rewarding experience. Just the fact that making sure your kid can attend a catholic/private education is great. I don’t think I could have had this opportunity if it wasn’t for The Children’s Scholarship Fund. Their help has been a key factor in my son’s education. I have no words to describe how grateful I am to The Children’s Scholarship Fund. My son will graduate next year and I really hope that this financial help will help another deserving kid. I will always be grateful to The Children’s Scholarship Fund.”

Society for Science & the Public

Society for Science & the Public

Washington DC

This nonprofit focuses on the vital role that science plays in human advancement. They host competitions for aspiring scientists, and through those events, they can identify rising stars. The prizes in these competitions are scholarships to help these students continue to expand their knowledge. They are focused on building excitement in the sciences and bringing students together to network and share ideas. In addition to scholarships, they can also help fund research grants and money for science programs in underfunded schools. The Society for Science & the Public has done remarkable work to elevate those students with talent in the sciences to ensure they continue pushing forward.

Here is an incredible note from a teacher who has been able to utilize their resources:

“I am a teacher in a rural area in Colorado. Society for Science & the Public (SSP) has been absolutely instrumental in supporting my development as a science teacher as well as the development of my students as researchers. I have been incredibly fortunate to have received an equipment grant, an all-expense paid teacher training in Washington DC, as well as recently being awarded the Advocate grant for student and teacher outreach. SSP is making a REAL DIFFERENCE in science education in schools across the country, and I can’t think of a better investment of funds by an individual or organization. CHOOSE TO SUPPORT SOCIETY FOR SCIENCE & THE PUBLIC!!! The future of our budding science students, and equitable science education across the US, depends on it.”

In the words of Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” These organizations are working hard to make education more accessible to everyone. It would simply not be possible without the continued support of their donors. Please consider contributing to an organization that helps to provide scholarships and financial aid to students. It is an investment in the future.