Posted by on Dec 9, 2019 Views: 3831

7 Fundraising Ideas to Rock this Giving Season

Walkathon fund raising ideas
Source: Sherise via Unsplash

Christmas is just around the corner, and the end of the year is only three weeks away. Now is the perfect time to think up some fun ways to maximize the biggest fundraising opportunity of the year. 

Is your charity looking for fundraising ideas to close the year right? Look no further, we’ve put together a list of seven ideas for your organization to rock the 2019 Giving season:    


These are popular when it comes to fundraising ideas. You’ll be surprised by how many people come out for them. Usually, the local news will cover the event as well. This can bring lots of good PR your way. You can schedule your Walkathon on a Saturday morning when the weather is expected to be good. Be sure to send out a press release and direct mail marketing to your donor list. A well-crafted email about the event will help tremendously. 


Everyone loves an auction. Create a theme for it, like “Iconic Holiday Movies.” Get your supporters involved to ensure that the event is a success. Maybe they have furniture, electronics, jewelry or other items of value they could donate. Email your donor list and let everyone know when and where the auction will be held. Make the event fun by giving away door prizes or holding a contest.

Calendar Photo Contest

This is a fun activity that everyone will enjoy. Send out initial emails to let everyone know about your contest. Ask for funny or unusual photos. This one will keep your team busy, but will have a good result in the end. Promote on social media and send out regular emails letting everyone know how the contest is going. Share some of the photos you received to encourage participation. 

24-Hour Donation Drive

Donation drive fund raising ideas

These are always popular. You’ll need a good email campaign to let everyone know why you’re holding the Drive and what you need from it. Offer gifts to those who give certain amounts. For instance, donors who give $50 get a coffee mug. Those who give $100 get a phone case. You can also partner up with local businesses that are willing to donate resources to help you achieve great success.  

Online Gaming

Millennials love video games and that’s where they spend quite a bit of their time and money. So when it comes to fundraising ideas, why not meet them where they are? You may be able to find popular gamers in your area who would be willing to donate their time streaming a popular videogame such as World Of Warcraft. 

Dine Out for Charity

Dine out for charity fund raising ideas
Photo by Kevin Curtis via Unsplash

Contact restaurants in your area to see if any of them would be willing to sponsor a Dine out for Charity night at their restaurant. Usually, you can find more than one that would be willing to help. Events like this can give your charity lots of publicity and increase the popularity of the restaurant. So it’s a win for both parties. 

Hold a Viral Video Contest

We’ve all seen some of those viral videos. The public goes crazy and makes a simple video of a baby biting his brother’s finger into a hit. Everyone’s got a great or funny video now they might share of a pet acting out or kids running off the porch into a sprinkler. There are so many of these now and your donors probably have some cute videos they would share. Have your donors vote on the best of them and award prizes. Fun for everyone and a good boost to donations.