Posted by on Aug 19, 2020 Views: 4018

Four Organizations That Focus on Humanitarian Aid

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “humanitarian aid”? If you’re like many people, you think about quick assistance offering to people who have gone through a disaster. That’s entirely true, but it goes far beyond that, too. Humanitarian aid may also be provided with food or water to someone who is in desperate need due to poverty.

Regardless of the reason for the need, giving people what they need to survive is something many people are passionate about and why there are so many nonprofits that focus their efforts on doing those things. These groups are located across the country and work with various populations assisting them with whatever they might need.

Humanitarian Aid & Rescue Project

Forth Worth, TX

HARP medical aid assistance in Jabouin, Haiti. Photo Source: HARP Facebook Page

The first organization we want to showcase is the Humanitarian Aid & Rescue Project, which is based in Fort Worth, Texas. The primary focus of the group is to offer emergency response services on a global basis within 72 hours of a disaster. Most of the support is provided in areas that are currently experiencing conflict, disaster, or war.

This nonprofit is made up of skilled individuals, including law enforcement, military veterans, first responders, and civilians who know medical, search and rescue, and swift water rescue. Humanitarian Aid & Rescue Project has saved thousands of lives and rescued more than 30 people in the water.

Volunteer Katie.B said, “The individuals of HARP work countless hours, often going with very little (or going without any) sleep. They collaborate closely with NGOs, non-profit organizations, and other agencies to achieve the utmost aid for the people and animals in need.

Partnership with Native Americans

Addison, TX

Photo Source: PWNA Twitter Page

Located in Addison, Texas, Partnership with Native Americans offers humanitarian aid and human services to Native Americans across the U.S. This nonprofit focuses on offering hope of a better future to Native Americans on isolated, remote, and impoverished reservations. The group has a relationship with hundreds of reservation programs to provide positive change.

Georgiar, a member of the Eagle Nest District in South Dakota, said, “Everyone within the program has been exceptional in working with my community and we’ve always felt as if we were truly partners and not just recipients. Partnership with Native Americans is a program that aims to help and does so exceptionally.

Every year, the group improves the lives of more than 250,000 Native Americans. Scholarships are offered to students, while services and goods are provided for immediate relief needs. The nonprofit has many programs related to education, animal welfare, and more.

Saving Hands Emergency Aid Inc

Floral Park, NY

Photo Source: SHEA Facebook Page

Saving Hands Emergency Aid is located in Floral Park, New York, and works to provide humanitarian aid and medical services to impoverished people in the Caribbean. The organization provides free medical treatment internationally for patients who need lifesaving treatment but no way to pay for it.

This nonprofit primarily targets women and children. It has a track record of success and has helped save lives through identifying the neediest individuals, locating and attaining funding for aid, and improving conditions and health, one person at a time.

A donor, Mellissa Y., said, “SHEA is doing an incredible job helping children and giving them a second chance at life. This organization and its team are amazing. Their work has never gone unseen or unheard of. I love SHEA and will continue to support them in every little way that I can!

Medical Teams International

Portland, OR

Photo Source: MTI GNP Page

Based out of Portland, Oregon, Medical Teams International provides development organization and humanitarian aid relief for those affected by conflict, poverty, and disaster. The group sends out response teams composed of volunteers who distribute humanitarian aid and help with community development. The nonprofit serves people in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the United States.

To get a better idea of what this group does, you can listen to donor Renae5’s story, “They work to improve and save lives with Mobile Dental vans, doctors and nurse teams working in countries in need and even sending volunteers to build stoves to improve respiratory health in places where indoor fire pits contribute to an early death. This is an amazing organization that relies  on volunteers.

This organization has provided millions of dollars in dental services to children and adults and sent hundreds of teams out to respond to disasters and other crises. Medication and personal hygiene items have also been delivered by the organization to many social service agencies in need.

Nobody wants to hear that a disaster has happened, and people are searching for assistance. However, these things occur, and brave, caring individuals always come together to help. Each of the nonprofits above is part of helping when things are tough, and you can be a part of assisting when it’s needed the most.