Posted by on Apr 17, 2017 Views: 3813

Earth Day 2017

Now celebrated worldwide by more than a billion people, Earth Day has something for everyone. Local opportunities abound for beautification projects next Saturday, April 22, and all it takes to get involved with cleaning up your local park or beach is a simple online search and a few hours of your time.

But for nonprofits dedicated to protecting animal and plant species from extinction, keeping our landscape from more resembling a moonscape, and preserving the quality of our air and water, every day is Earth Day. Here are 10 of the many that do just that:

National Parks Conservation Association

Washington, D.C.

The National Parks Conservation Association works to ensure that our national parks and monuments are welcoming and well funded, well managed, and well protected for generations today and tomorrow.

“Through the years I have visited many of our National Parks. They are truly wonders to see! We need to conserve these now to make sure our children and grandchildren have the same opportunity we have had.

“I am seeing much erosion and destruction in the parks now that we need to make others aware of so additional protections can be implemented. The NPCA is working hard to protect these precious lands and they need all the help they can get!

“I am a true lover of our National Parks! So beautiful and amazing!”


Ocean Defenders Alliance

Huntington Beach, Calif.

Ocean Defenders Alliance works to clean and protect marine ecosystems, focusing primarily on the reduction and removal of manmade debris that poses serious threats to ocean wildlife and habitats.

“My wife and I have been supporting ODA since its inception and it has been the best use of our donated dollars I’ve witnessed. The volunteers involved with this organization and what they give for the cause are amazing. I only wish I had more money to help leverage their efforts.”


Amazon Conservation Association

Washington, D.C.

The mission of the Amazon Conservation Association is to protect the world’s most diverse landscapes, train the next generation of Amazonian conservationists, and partner with communities to support livelihoods that sustain biodiversity.

“There may be bigger conservation organizations than ACA, but the impact ACA has had in Peru and Bolivia has been comparable with many of the so-called ‘bigger’ organizations out there. They bring in technical expertise and years of building trust with local communities to the plate and always deliver results. As a biologist, I truly appreciate all their hard work and the impact they have had in keeping the Amazon green.”


International Rivers Network

Berkeley, Calif.

The International Rivers Network protects rivers and defends the rights of communities that depend on them. It works to stop destructive dams and promote water and energy solutions for a just and sustainable world.

“Billions of dollars are being invested in building dams throughout the Amazon that will devastate the environment and displace local communities and cause massive emission of greenhouse gases as the vegetation decomposes. International Rivers is at the forefront of ensuring that local communities and the environment is put before economic greed and is the leading expert on these issues.”


Endangered Special International

San Francisco, Calif.

Endangered Species International is strongly committed to reversing the trend of human-induced species extinction, saving endangered animals, and preserving wild places!

“Endangered Species International is an amazing group that really gets things done out in the field. I applaud their effort and hard work to save endangered animals and their home! Most fund is spent on the field for direct impacts . . . no wasting resources!”


Center for Biological Diversity

Tucson, Ariz.

The Center for Biological Diversity believes that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature—to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, the center works to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction.

“Global wildlife populations remain under siege and the illegal wildlife trade flourishes. We are losing species and habitat on almost every front. That’s why I support Endangered Species International (ESI) and the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), both doing an incredible job. ESI is saving so many species and habitats on the ground where CBD does not operate like in the rainforest of Congo. CBD is doing a great job by protecting the endangered species act and making sure endangered species are included and can recover!”



Palo Alto, Calif.

Canopy plants and cares for trees where people need them the most—bringing the life-giving benefits of trees to the schools, neighborhoods, and public spaces of the San Francisco Mid-Peninsula.

“I have volunteered with Canopy and donated to Canopy for the past four years. They are a small team of dedicated, passionate, skilled employees who leverage their fantastic board and volunteers to make a big difference. They serve the community in so many ways–not just planting, not just educating, not just pruning and mulching, not just advocacy—their full perspective on the urban forest make them a very effective organization.

“Also, I really admire how they give jobs and job training to East Palo Alto teens. It makes the organization more effective in East Palo Alto and makes a huge difference for the teens who are part of the program.”


Reef Environmental Education Foundation

Key Largo, Fla.

REEF conserves marine water ecosystems for their recreational, commercial, and intrinsic value by educating, enlisting, and enabling divers and other marine water enthusiasts to become active stewards and citizen scientists.

“REEF is a way for me to turn my passion into meaningful contribution. I love the ocean and its inhabitants so I scuba dive a lot. REEF lets me contribute to greater understanding of the ocean and the changes that are going on that need tracking. They are easy to work with and really value citizen science contributors such as myself.”


Rattlebox Nature Center

Wawa, Pa.

Rattlebox Nature Center provides individuals of all ages and capabilities with hands-on experience that will better their understanding of the critical role that animals play in the health and welfare of our world.

“My daughter attended Rattlebox Nature Center this summer and absolutely loved it. This was the one camp she couldn’t stop talking about all summer and she is delighted to be able to attend on an off day from school. Valerie was extremely kind and compassionate about the love and care of her animals and she treated my daughter like her own. I was also impressed with the lovely crafts that were completed. This camp truly exceeded my expectations.”


Buffalo Field Campaign

West Yellowstone, Mont.

Buffalo Field Campaign is the only group working both in the field and in the policy arenas to stop the harassment and slaughter of America’s last wild buffalo.

“This incredible nonprofit does so much with so little. Dedicated, enduring, passionate, and suffering along with the buffalo, they are so impressive and so admirable and so determined. Our National Heritage buffalo/bison are the target of hunters and hunter-controlled government agencies, with even the Park Service unwilling to stand up for the defenseless buffalo who are only trying to live and survive in areas that have been their homeland since the beginning. BFC is their voice and their advocate when others are too busy to care. This is indeed a nonprofit that walks the walk.”


These organizations are just some of the many nonprofits doing their part to make the world a more livable place. So whether your passion is protecting animals, beautifying the environment, stopping pollution, or preserving wetlands, GreatNonprofits has got something for you! We’ve only got one planet, so do your part today to save it!