Posted by on Jan 18, 2019 Views: 6118

3 Civil Rights Nonprofits You Should Support in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

by Ian Anstee

Martin Luther King Jr with his wife and daughter

With Martin Luther King Jr. Day just around the corner, it’s worth reflecting on the state of civil rights in the US. Civil rights was at the top of many minds in 2018 with the passing of the First Step Act, the continuation of the #metoo movement, and the family separation emergency that occurred along our border.

It should come as no surprise that — even 56 years from MLK Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech — we’re a far way out from the nation that treats all its people justly, independent of race, gender, class, sexuality, faith, or immigration status. Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. by supporting the following nonprofits working to make his dream a reality.

Equal Justice USA

Equal Justice USA (EJUSA) is transforming our justice system by promoting trauma-informed responses to violence. EJUSA works at the intersection of criminal justice, public health, and racial justice to elevate healing over retribution, advance racial equity, and meet the needs of survivors.

“Equal Justice USA is the kind of organization that makes your financial support feel more like an an investment than a simple donation. I have seen first-hand the dedication of their field staff, who work tirelessly to support the local organizations who are directly transforming their communities. EJUSA’s work in the areas of trauma-informed responses to violence and system accountability should be considered by anyone who believes the justice system can must become a force for good in our communities. I am proud to support Equal Justice USA knowing that my contributions will be put to use making real change in our cities, our states, and our nation.”

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Equality Florida

People with rainbow flags holding a sign that reads Equality Florida

Equality Florida (EQFL) is the largest civil rights organization dedicated to securing full equality for Florida’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community.

“The issues that EQFL engages in is beyond comparison; their heart, their compassion, their tenacity, and their will to serve is unmatched. We have long supported their efforts to be a force of change for all humanity. When they raise their voice for change we sing in concert with them. While they have accomplished many milestones, there is much work left to accomplish. We stand with them in the challenges that lie ahead.”

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American Immigration Council

The American Immigration Council is a powerful voice in promoting laws, policies, and attitudes that honor our proud history as a nation of immigrants. Through research and policy analysis, litigation and communications, and international exchange, the Council seeks to shape a twenty-first century vision of the American immigrant experience.

“The work of the American Immigration Council is extraordinary and inspiring. I contribute to their foundation every year and am proud to support their work. Their honoring of Immigrants with American Immigration Achievement Awards inspires those of us who work in this field and it recognizes the important contributions that immigrants continue to make to this country. Their advocacy, policy papers, and educational resources on immigration matters is second to none. The legal action center also adds support and provides guidance on key legal issues. The international exchange center is a model program and serves as an excellent example to promote intercultural exchange. I wholeheartedly applaud the work of the American Immigration Council.”

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