Top Influential Race Nonprofits

Top influential race nonprofits dedicated to enhancing understanding of different cultures, races, and beliefs are among the most influential programs that we have available to us. These nonprofits not only change the lives of their clients, but they work to change the world as a whole. Whether you want to donate money or time to a worthy cause, each of these nonprofits is an excellent choice.

Kids N Culture
Kids N Culture is dedicated to providing culturally diverse experiences to kids around the world. The concept is to allow children to immerse themselves in a culture unlike their own They do so by learning as much as possible through their experiences as they visit other communities and countries. The idea is that the more children are exposed to people with different cultures, the more likely they will understand just how uniquely connected we all truly are.

Institute for Humane Education
Institute for Humane Education is focused on providing a harmonious existence for all living things. Their primary program is offering graduate-level humane education in order to spread more awareness and understanding for the nonprofit’s mission of creating a more connected world. People, animals, and the environment are all core focuses of the nonprofit.
“I have learned so much through IHE, and the programs offered what an amazing mission to help others learn about making humane choices through understanding and compassion. Creating a world filled with solutionaries is a great cause to support.”

CAIR-Minnesota provides free legal services to individuals who have experienced hate crimes or religious or racial discrimination. The focus of the nonprofit is to provide support and also enhance the understanding of Islam through education and ongoing dialogue. Over 120 clients are assisted each year.
“CAIR MN has done very beneficial work for the community. They have helped to organize many events that teach and train the Muslim community to work with the system and be an citizen that works to build and nurture the greater community. The board is a very professional board and the employees are very skilled and qualified group. I am extremely impressed by their work and their team.”

Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities
Inclusion is the root of success, and Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities is dedicated to educating more people about this concept. They provide retreats, programs, and customized workshops to assist individuals as well as the community as a whole.
“VCIC is a dynamic organization that provides excellent programming throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia regarding diversity, inclusiveness, anti-bullying, racial, gender, and religious biases. These programs are offered in the schools, private and public businesses and to any organization seeking to educate and dialogue with their staff and constituents. VCIC fills a vital role in helping to make Virginia’s communities more diverse and inclusive.”