Arts and Culture Nonprofits – The Most Innovative

Arts and culture are said to be the pulse of our existence. After all, without creative outlets, the world would look very different. However, it is too common that initiatives to keep these resources available to people lack proper funding to continue. This is precisely why nonprofits that focus on arts and culture are exceedingly important.
If you do a quick Google search for arts and culture nonprofits, you’ll surely find an impressive list to choose from. However, we wanted to shed light on some of the most innovative approaches that are deserving of your time and donations. Check out our top choices for arts and culture nonprofits.

The Office of Letters and Light
The Office of Letters and Light focuses on their goals on providing a creative outlet for children and adults to not only tap into their own potential but also build a global community while doing so. Popular programs include National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), Script Frenzy, and the Young Writers Program.
“NaNoWriMo and the Young Writers Program of NaNoWriMo made a huge difference in my teaching junior high students. We all became authors. They became leaders to their peers, younger students in our system, and even to parents, who were surprised and delighted their children wrote novels. The staff is warm, friendly, helpful, personable, and makes one feel a part of the organization. The Office of Letters and Light is one of my favorite nonprofits.”

A Place Called Home
A Place Called Home serves low-income children and families in South Central Los Angeles. The free programs are focused on arts, education, and wellness in order to educate and inspire young people who would otherwise not have access to such resources. The creative programs offered include music, dance, digital media, and fine arts. Over 1,000 clients are served each year, and there are proven results in increasing grade-level performance and scholarship recipients.
“Amazing mission and provides so many incredible opportunities for the youth of Los Angeles. APCH not only supports successful futures, but it also supports the day to day needs, such as food, safety, and mentoring. There should be more funding for programs like this.”

Story District
Story District is a nonprofit that teaches people to be better storytellers. Throughout that process, communities are built, understanding of the world is enriched, and individuals can find their inspiration and potential through hands-on training opportunities. Through storytelling, people are able to connect more with their community and build compassion for their fellow man.
“I would recommend Speakeasy DC for a great night out or to anyone who has ever wondered how to tell a story. I introduced it to the monthly format a couple of years ago when it was at the old location. Every show is well organized and professionally produced. I was inspired to take their storytelling bootcamp as well. What a rewarding experience!”

The Jazz Gallery
The Jazz Gallery is categorized as the United States leading venue for international performers to hone their skills via residencies and workshops. This nonprofit not only encourages creative risk but allows artists the room to explore their craft while challenging conventions. The program allows the performers and the audience to explore music in a way that had never been experienced before.
“Jazz Gallery is the most valuable Jazz venue in New York City. If you are a Jazz musician in NYC, your debut concert should be made at the Jazz Gallery. Then you are considered to be a real NY artist. From Emerging artist to well-accomplished musician, this is everyone’s favorite venue. I am honored to have chance to be on the stage and have my CD release concert. This place should remain as a symbol of the NY Jazz scene.”