Posted by on Jul 8, 2014 Views: 5333

Summer Exchange Programs

While we’re in the heat of the summer, we realize it might be too late to plan for this year’s student exchange program, but it’s never too late to start planning for next year or the year after!

Why student exchange you ask?  Because, according to the International Youth Exchange, “Today, not only parents, but government, business and industry are depending upon America’s high schools to ensure that their graduates are internationally aware and interculturally competent.”  High school exchange programs can help toward that mission! But how do you evaluate exchange programs?

First, you’ll want to do your research by checking out advisory boards such as CSIE (Council on Standards for International Educational Travel) as well as SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) and the DOS (Department of State).

But aside from that, how do you get feedback from people who are hosting or are host families?  To help you we’ve highlighted just a few high school exchange programs with reviews on GreatNonprofits.

ERDT Share

SHARE! is a global nonprofit educational foundation. SHARE’s mission is to create opportunities for greater tolerance and understanding between Americans and peoples of the world. Every year, SHARE! places over 550 international high school exchange student’s between the ages of 15-18 with volunteer host families.

Here’s what one of their host families has to say:

“We have been a host family two years in a row for exchanges students from Germany that we now consider family. SHARE was an excellent organization to go thru to host exchange students. They are very professional and handled every need we or the students had. We highly recommend using SHARE! We also highly recommend hosting an exchange student. Our family found the experience very enriching!! We learned so much about other cultures while at the same time meeting two new people we have grown to love!”

EF High School Exchange

EF High School Exchange’s mission is to promote and develop international educational and cultural exchange between the United States and other countries.  Three thousand high school exchange students come to the U.S. to live with host families that want to share their America.  If you had only 3 hours to volunteer, you could help find host families for exchange students.

Here’s what their volunteers are saying:

“I have been a volunteer host family with EF for many years now. This fall my family and I will welcome our 5th exchange student. We have shared our culture, our American way of life and our values with the students that have lived with us and we’ve learned so much about the world at the same time. It’s clear how much EF cares about the students, the natural parents and the host families and does a wonderful job of bringing us all together. Our lives have been truly blessed by this organization.”

“Hosting students have changed my family’s life! We love it and look forward to the new kids coming in every year. It is an amazing experience to learn about the different cultures. Plus having “family” all over the world makes it a little more exciting to pick a family vacation spot. If you are considering it you should jump in with both feet! You won’t regret it.”

To read what students are saying, you can visit this site:

Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)

CIEE’s mission is to help people gain understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop skills for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world.  Since the late 1940s CIEE has dedicated worked to provide educational experiences that transform the lives of all they touch.

Here’s what one of their host families are saying:

“Hosting students have changed my family’s life! We love it and look forward to the new kids coming in every year. It is an amazing experience to learn about the different cultures. Plus having “family” all over the world makes it a little more exciting to pick a family vacation spot. If you are considering it you should jump in with both feet! You won’t regret it.”

Do you have other exchange programs you like? Then let us know! We’re also looking to create a category about this topic! Write to
Also, be sure to write a review for your favorite exchange program!