Posted by on Aug 29, 2017 Views: 7625

Hurricane Harvey: Here Are 5 Charities That Need Your Help

By Andy Talajkowski

Courtesy of Texas Military Department

Hurricane Harvey is being called one of the biggest natural disasters in the United States to date, and an already inundated Texas braces itself for more rain. Relief efforts have been focused in areas where evacuations were not mandatory and many people are still stranded due to flooding. If you’re wondering what you can do to help, here are five nonprofits in Texas providing disaster aid:

Texas Search and Rescue

Courtesy of TEXSAR

Texas Search and Rescue is a volunteer group of first responders that lends a helping hand across the state with disaster relief efforts.

Texas Search and Rescue is professional, dedicated and absolutely amazing. It is rare to see a group of ‘volunteers’ who are in reality professionally trained first responders. TEXSAR has raised the bar and become an integral part of the emergency plans of the great State of Texas.” – LMNorman


Houston Food Bank

Houston Food Bank

Courtesy of Houston Foodbank


The Houston Food Bank is Houston’s largest food donation foundation. This food donation center and food pantry gives aid to Houston’s hungry and homeless.

“I have volunteered at this organization with my church group as well as having been a donor for years. They are a highly efficient organization, their warehouses are tidy and orderly, and the food is well accounted for.”


Houston SPCA

Courtesy of Houston SPCA

The Houston SPCA is the lead Houston animal-related agency responsible for disaster rescue, recovery, and relief efforts.

“I give a monthly donation to the organization—the injured animal ambulance and cruelty investigations are programs unmatched by any group in the community.”


Information Technology Disaster Resource Center 

Courtesy of ITDRC

Information Technology Disaster Resource Center provides technology and communication resources for disaster areas, so responders can contact those in need when public communication systems are down and communities have the appropriate technology to continue recovery efforts after a disaster.

When creating disaster plans, securing appropriate backup technology often falls into the ‘would be nice, but don’t have the money’ category or worse, it’s not even considered in the plans. ITDRC solves the technology problem with their excellent bank of available resources and support.” – United_Way_of_SC


Greater Houston Community Foundation

Courtesy of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The Greater Houston Community Foundation helps donors connect to the causes they care about, and is currently raising donations for the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund – you can contribute here.