Posted by on Dec 7, 2016 Views: 3311

Don’t Forget the Thank Yous!

Six blank speech bubbles hanging from threadThanking your donors is the most important gesture you can make to show them how much you appreciate their support.

Recognition for those who took their time and gave money to help your cause is the best way to build long-term genuine relationships. And saying thank you at the right time and in the right way often leads to additional donations from those supporters, both in the short and longer term.

Here is a list of five simple ways you can thank your donors!

  1. Donor Spotlights

Create a Donor Spotlight in your newsletters and on your website and tell the story of a specific donor after interviewing them. When selecting a donor, ask yourself the question: Which donor can I interview that will best represent more of the type of donors I want? When interviewing donors, ask them:

  • Why they work with your organization
  • How giving to your organization has changed their life
  • Ask them about a specific individual or event that they participated in and how being a part of it impacted them
  • Ask them who taught them about giving back
  1. Shout-Outs on Your Website

Your website is the perfect place to show appreciation of your supporters large and small. Posting a message shows you appreciate their time and it’s a personal connection that will increase their loyalty to your cause.

  1. Post a Thank You Video

Creating a thank you video does not need to be expensive or time-consuming. With today’s technology you can shoot a great video with your smartphone right in your office.

It’s a great way for donors to see you and relate to you and makes them feel like you are personally thanking each one of them. Take the opportunity in the video to share the impact you have been able to make in a detailed and meaningful way. Donors love to hear how they have helped change the world for the better.

  1. Give It a Personal Touch with Handwritten Notes

Surprise and delight your donors in a small but meaningful way by sending them a personal handwritten note. Holidays are a great time to add this personal touch, and this outreach can often lead to an additional donation. Host a volunteering event and make the focus of the event crafting these wonderful personal messages. Not only will your donors appreciate it, but it will also give your volunteers a fun event to attend during the holidays!

  1. Create a Photo Collage

Put all of your 2016 pictures and milestones into a virtual photo book and send it to everyone on your donor and volunteer list. Not only will the photos be a great way to show the work your organization does, but it’s also an amazing way to remind volunteers and donors why their work matters—and like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Once completed you can send the photo collage out via email, and if resources permit, print it out into a physical book for some of your larger or more frequent donors and volunteers.