Disaster Relief Organizations That Need Your Help

When disaster strikes, people rely on the goodness of others to rebuild their lives. These disaster relief organizations deliver vital, life-changing services to victims. You can help support these organizations by volunteering to help or providing financial donations.

Islamic Relief
Alexandria, VA
Islamic Relief provides ongoing hunger relief for people around the world, regardless of race, religion, color, or creed. In a national or international crisis, the organization provides disaster relief, wherever they are needed. Islamic Relief gives food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities to those affected by natural disasters or other major crises.
“This is an incredible organization that serves all backgrounds in a dignified manner. IRUSA is on the ground helping rebuild homes in Texas, feeding folks nationally and internationally through their feeding programs, aiding when emergencies strike worldwide, caring for orphans, providing sustainable initiatives for folks to care for themselves, and educating generations on WASH, job training and so much more. This is my favorite nonprofit, as it cares for all and is there when needed. IRUSA is definitely working towards a better world!”
-Sanat K., Donor

International Disaster Emergency Services, Inc.
Noblesville, IN
IDES seeks to help victims of both human-made and natural disasters by fulfilling their physical and spiritual needs. They partner with churches and missionaries around the world to give a hand up rather than a handout. The organization provides basic necessities to residents and other disaster relief organizations when tragedy strikes. IDES also offers medical supplies and basic medical care to the world’s most vulnerable populations.
“IDES have been a great source for us in terms of humanitarian activities in Myanmar. IDES partners with us to treat diseases, to strive against poverty, and helping refugees or victims.”
-Jeremy L., Client Served

National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, Inc.
Santa Paula, CA
The SDF’s mission is to strengthen and support disaster relief organizations by helping locate and rescue victims of natural disasters and terror attacks. The organization rescues dogs and gives them high-quality, ongoing training to help them become emergency search dogs.
When disaster strikes, these dogs partner with first responders, helping locate and retrieve live victims quickly, saving countless lives in the process.
“This organization does amazing work, turning rescue dogs into rescuers. Who knows how many dogs, and people, they’ve saved?”
-Lisa, Donor, and Member of the Public

Humanity Road
Boydton, VA
Since this disaster relief organization’s founding in 2010, volunteers have responded to nearly 1,000 disasters around the world. The organization has been praised by FEMA and the United Nations for its unique approach to disaster preparedness and disaster relief.
Using technological advances, Humanity Road helps connect victims with the services, people, and resources to help get their lives back on track after a disaster. Whether it’s natural disasters, long-term famines, or human-made events, Humanity Road is there to help.
“Humanity Road is a dedicated nonprofit with a global volunteer network. Their training, tools, and support are fantastic, and the volunteers are vigilant in producing accurate and reliable information during times of disaster and crisis. With Humanity Road, there will always be someone there to respond and help those in need!”
-Lauren, Volunteer
If you want to learn more about these disaster relief organizations, or to find disaster preparedness and response organizations in your area, please visit our website at GreatNonprofits.org.